

Raad het woord - Ontcijfer de afbeelding - Gok de route

"เกมใบ้คำ ถอดรหัสภาพ ทายท่าทาง" is a puzzle game available on Android. It offers a fun and challenging experience where you can test your knowledge and problem-solving skills.

The game consists of three different modes: "เกมถอดรหัสภาพ" challenges players to decipher a series of images that form a puzzle. "เกมใบ้คำ ทายภาพ" is a multiplayer mode where you can play with a friend and take turns giving hints and guessing the word. Lastly, "เกมทายเงา" is a mode where you have to guess the object based on its shadow.

The game also features a variety of question categories such as general knowledge, sports, travel, music, food, celebrities, movies, desserts, fruits, cartoons, and animals. This adds an extra level of challenge and keeps the game engaging.

If you're looking for a brain-teasing and interactive game to play with friends, "เกมใบ้คำ ถอดรหัสภาพ ทายทาทาง" is worth a try!

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